Received 14 correct answers: Marco van Veen, Enschede, Holland; Jos Barendregt, Twello, Holland; Carlo Buijvoets, Deventer, Holland; Max Reimerink, Ugchelen, Holland; Ruud Merza, Deventer, Holland; Jeroen Nikkels, Voorst, Holland; Mart Wennink, Enschede, Holland; Henk Gerdsen, Zevenaar, Holland; Bas de Haas, Driebergen, Holland; Jop Rouwhorst, Deventer, Holland; René Rouwhorst, Deventer, Holland; Lammert Prijs, Kamp Holland, Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. Morris Merza, Deventer, Holland; Henk Abels, Heerde, Holland; ... CONGRATULATIONS !!
Problem 100
Juni 2009

problem 100
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1. Nh6 ; Kh8
2. Qe5x ; Qe5x
3. Nf7x ; Rf7x
4. Rd8+ and wins

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